What does a trillion dollar federal deficit really mean?
Interest payments through our noses!
For the latest on how fast our debt is growing, click here. O yeah, the numbers will make your head spin!
For Lawyers, Scientists & Other Inquisitives
An America watcher's observations about "life": Science, Law, Politics, Education, Humor, . . .
What does a trillion dollar federal deficit really mean?
Interest payments through our noses!
For the latest on how fast our debt is growing, click here. O yeah, the numbers will make your head spin!
Britain Plans Deepest Cuts to Spending in 60 Years
We can begin by cutting waste, now that we have a new Congress whose new mmbers camapined on deficeit Here is a good place to cut: Bring home 100,000 soldiers (mostly US) who are chasing 100 Al Queida in Afghanistan. Lots of wasteful $$$$$$$$$$ here waiting to be cut.
G.O.P. Captures House, but Not Senate
Impatient, scared, and angry America has spoken. So, let it be done.
One personal note of relief: I am glad corporations – a.k.a Ebay and HP- did not win in California. Welcome back, Jerry – I have been a long-time fan. All the best.