Push on Talks With Taliban Confirmed by NATO Officials
“Talibaning” is good if the purpose is to let Afghans worry for themselves, without any further delay.
For Lawyers, Scientists & Other Inquisitives
An America watcher's observations about "life": Science, Law, Politics, Education, Humor, . . .
Push on Talks With Taliban Confirmed by NATO Officials
“Talibaning” is good if the purpose is to let Afghans worry for themselves, without any further delay.
Washington Schools Chancellor to Resign It appears that while Ms. Rhee was successful, she may have used an “iron-fist” to achieve her goals. Neglecting the Base. As a long term educator, I realize that, after decades of neglect, reform comes slow. Education involves the co-operation of three key stakeholders: students/parents, teachers and administrators. Unless all these parties are on the same page, reform will not succeed.