Poverty Rate Rose Sharply in 2009, Says Census Bureau
Yes, I am sure the “haves” will brush it off and gives us reasons: Like, we had a bad few years, blah, blah, blah . . . . But, does explanation matter much?. I am not sure what the tea party is all about. But, if it is anti-incumbent, then I say: Right on! Let us be an equal opportunity “firer”,and clean up the whole mess. If people is/are “boss”, let us show it by firing a whole lot of them in November. The newbies will remember what happened to the last group.
Taxing the rich- has it ever worked?
Lieberman Favors Extension of Bush-Era Tax Rates
By worked, I mean has it really helped the common man?. Isn’t it true that federal income tax, as we know it now, was first introduced to “soak” the rich?
From Fighting Terrorists to Fighting Corruption: It is getting “curiouser and curiosier” in the Land of Afghans
U.S. Debates Karzai’s Place in Fighting Corruption
We need to fight the mid-week blues. Unfortunately, like phantom leg pain in amputees, even the unemployed go into this Wednesday funk. So, let us , as a diversion, imagine that Hamid Karzai loudly proclaims that he wants to root out corruption in the United States. Everybody in Afghanistan will laugh and all the camels there will, quite likely, miss the humor. Let us laugh with the Afghans – after all, we are trying to help them. If nothing, laughter might alleviate the Wednesday depression without the annoying side-effects of SSRIs.
Democrats “wimping”, again
In Ad Wars, Democrats Shy From Ties to Own Party
These three instant thoughts crossed my mind, when I read the “. . . Shy[ing] . . .” headline:
1. “Your greatest strength is the weakness of your convictions” (line from the TV sitcom The Golden Girls)
2. Cowards die a thousand deaths . . . (from Indian stories on Rajput bravery)
3. It is such Democratic wimping that gave us 8 years of George W. Bush and 2 wars (based on my 40+ years as an American observer)
Obama appears to have lost his “fire”. I agree he should have done more for Main Street than for Wall Street, but he is our best bet, compared to the Republicans -especially the “ideas-bankrupt-John -A.- Boehner” types who are gleefully looking for an American train wreck. Come this November, if he becomes the Speaker of the House, then we Americans would have spoken quite unwisely.
[By way of full disclosure, I am an independent (I prefer “rationalist”, but that would require a lengthy explanation) who is more sympathetic to the current Democratic administration/Congress and think that, at least, they are weakly trying/trying weakly to help the declining middle class and the growing poor.