We are still at war in/with 2 countries, though the Obama administration says that the war in Iraq is over. Our stated goal is to change/capture the “hearts and minds “ of the peoples there. If that is not war, I do not what is.
To put things in perspective about the elitist ruling class, the following quote from Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” (page 79, paper back edition) is quite illuminative:“ Ruling elites seem to have learned through the generations – consciously or not – that war makes them more secure against internal trouble.”
Are we aiding and abetting this minister? Silence, I say is best
By the outrage expressed by Presidents(s), the Pope, General(s), Editorialist(s) at this proposed irrational act by a religious fanatic, are we saying that burning the Koran by such an idiot is a true insult to muslims? Are we provoking others to to indulge in such silly acts to get attention? The rational muslims (most them are) will understand that this single act is not an attack of the religion of Islam because this country allows its own flag to be burned. As for the irrational ones, no amount of appeal will influence them. They will always find something to foment violence. I would suggest silence is the best way to deal with such events. Let our Constitution speak for itself.
FDA to fight misleading drug ads: Good luck!!
FDA is taking a tougher stance on misleading drug
On second thoughts, why not just ban these ads, as in the past. I challenge anybody: Show me a TV drug ad that is not misleading.
Plavix ads (cont’d): Take me or die
Yesterday, I saw a TV ad (a repeat, I think) for Plavix – the drug that is supposed to keep you from getting that “big” one , as Sanford (Sanford and Son vintage) might say. Here the doctor (dresses like one anyway) writes PLAVIX (all caps) on a prescription pad. Made me wonder: Which accredited medical school did he graduate from?. In another (or the same) ad, a gurnney keeps following the guy in the ad. Now that is funny – a “heart attack” watch gurney.