Washington Schools Chancellor to Resign It appears that while Ms. Rhee was successful, she may have used an “iron-fist” to achieve her goals. Neglecting the Base. As a long term educator, I realize that, after decades of neglect, reform comes slow. Education involves the co-operation of three key stakeholders: students/parents, teachers and administrators. Unless all these parties are on the same page, reform will not succeed.
Who said science is boring?
Band-aid soultion: New rules but old regulators
White House Lifts Ban on Deepwater Drilling
There are rules and then there are regulators. I have wondered if the BP oil “gush” was the problem of inadequate rules or incompetent/corrupt/uncaring/compromised regulators. I believe it is the latter. How could we, in the first place, have let an oil company drill miles(s) into the ocean without any contingency plans? If that is the regulatory climate, will a few additional rules change anything? For example, remember the S & L (Saving and Loans), Enron, and then, the latest the Wall Street scandals, which have operated basically like reverse-socialism: transferring wealth from the “poor” to the “rich”. We need a defender of socialism, like Robinhood. Will the Democrats (I have given up on the Republicans) ever really fight for social justice and equity?
What do you think?
Democrats’ worst nightmare: wishy-washy Obama
Obama Message in Flux as Election Day Nears
When we enthusiastically voted in Mr. Obama as President, we expected the same clarity of massage and honesty in his office actions. There is some evidence that his White House may have suppressed the truth of the magnitude of the BP oil spill during the early days. Report Slams Administration for Underestimating Gulf Spill