This article is by Jacob S. Hacker (a professor of political science at Yale) and Carl DeTorres (a graphic designer). It is worth your time (a few minutes, at most) to read it, and see if you want to fight the Republicans’ plan to “mess” with this Reform. Don’t let their latest ploy- Pledge to America -fool you. I plan to post other opinions, especially opposing views about this new law. As the famous journalist Walt Lippman wrote: “The truth emerges only from a collection of opinions”.
Beware of the Ides of November….
G.O.P. Cites Tax Cuts and Health Care as Main Focus
NOTE: The rich can bypass this posting without injury
I am not a “blind” supporter of any political party. Don’t listen to either major party. Frankly, I wish we had more options when it came to political parties. Just imagine- a country with just Coke or Pepsi, when it comes to soft drinks.
Vote selfish in November – what is economically good for me and my children. That means, you will have to spend about 15 minutes a day reading/listening to the news. Only an informed electorate can save America from the Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partyers. . .
The new health care law,with all its flaws and uncertainties, is likely the best damn thing that has happened to this country. No more insurance company denials of payment for: “”pre-existing conditions” “lying, when you did not tell me you had cat-scratch fever when you were 3”
What has the Republicans offered except obstructionism? If I have missed something, please let me know.
Blind Reporting of Ivory Tower/Political Bable
Recession May Be Over, but Joblessness Remains
I heard yesterday this loud shout of joy from the unemployment lines across, as Archie Bunker would say, the US of A. Wasn’t sure what the joy was all about, till I read the NY Times headline. Yeah, sure the recession was over in June 2009. It is like being dead and being unaware of it.
As the old joke goes: It is a recession when my neighbor losses her job, but it is a depression when I lose mine. I am still wondering what obfuscation of truth stopped the powers that be from calling the current state of economic affairs a depression.
And the timing: Is there an election around the corner?
Do you love your children?
The national debt is about $13.5 T (trillion). This means each one of us (man, woman and child) should add about $45 K (thousand) to our other debts.
Enjoy your wars and shopping.