Hi all,
I have attached a short 2015 article on the threshold question on what kind of inventions are eligible for patent protection? Hope you find it useful.
For Lawyers, Scientists & Other Inquisitives
An America watcher's observations about "life": Science, Law, Politics, Education, Humor, . . .
Hi all,
I have attached a short 2015 article on the threshold question on what kind of inventions are eligible for patent protection? Hope you find it useful.
by Sri 4 Comments
Lying in bed several Sunday mornings ago, I browsed NY Times review of three religious books (or, should it be “books on religion”, to be more politically correct*). One of them titled AGNOSTIC: A Spirited Manifesto caught the attention of my drowsy mind: spirited agnostics?
I know this contribution of mine does not match the gravitas of René Descartes who, also lying in bed, developed the Cartesian coordinate system after observing the movements of a housefly.
* Please await my soon forthcoming post on the phrase “people of color“. Thanks for your patience.
by Sri 2 Comments
The main point of this message is that every American must exercise great caution when s/he casts aspersions on another American’s patriotism. Therefore, it is quite disappointing to read a rather reckless opinion on the GOP presidential nominee’s love of country in one of its leading newspapers, of which I am regular reader.
I am NOT a Trump supporter, primarily because of his and his party’s policy positions and statements on important issues (to me, anyway) such as health care (replace “Obamacare” with what?), economics (based on the failed trickle down theory), environment (that global warming is a myth) and immigration (a religious test for entry into this country appears unconstitutional). As for my personal thoughts, Mr. Trump’s actions and words are, or appear to be, unethical, narcissistic, bigoted, misogynistic, clueless of solutions to serious issues that currently plague this nation, quite crude in language and style, . . .
But, is Trump unpatriotic? In the absence of concrete “unpatriotic” deeds by Mr. Trump, and given that I have no access to inner thoughts of people, I am obliged to at least give Mr. Trump (and, for that matter, Mr. Bruni) the benefit of the doubt. To rebut just one of his reason’s for doubting Mr. Trump’s love of country, i.e., the unpatriotic act of draft-dodging, it is important to note that two of our recent past presidents conveniently managed to avoid going to Vietnam.
When did, given our country’s history, being bigoted or controversial raise doubts of one’s patriotism? In conclusion, “Is casting unfounded aspersions on the patriotism of a politically conservative candidate the last refuge of a liberal journalist?” (adapting lexicographer Samuel Johnson’s statement “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” for the occasion)
is in trouble. So, what else is new. There is an old song that goes well with title of the NY Times article. In this case, the threesome are the people and the nominee – who in love with himself, counts for two.