1. Two candidates who do not wish to present a clear vision for America’s future.
2. A press corps that do not adequately challenge the candidates’ statements, answers and/or political ads.
3. A confused electorate.
For Lawyers, Scientists & Other Inquisitives
An America watcher's observations about "life": Science, Law, Politics, Education, Humor, . . .
1. Two candidates who do not wish to present a clear vision for America’s future.
2. A press corps that do not adequately challenge the candidates’ statements, answers and/or political ads.
3. A confused electorate.
Recession May Be Over, but Joblessness Remains
I heard yesterday this loud shout of joy from the unemployment lines across, as Archie Bunker would say, the US of A. Wasn’t sure what the joy was all about, till I read the NY Times headline. Yeah, sure the recession was over in June 2009. It is like being dead and being unaware of it.
As the old joke goes: It is a recession when my neighbor losses her job, but it is a depression when I lose mine. I am still wondering what obfuscation of truth stopped the powers that be from calling the current state of economic affairs a depression.
And the timing: Is there an election around the corner?
The Mood of Voters: Men Are Fuming, Women Despairing
“. . . women . . . , the poll suggests . . may stay home this year. . . giving more of the decision-making to men by default. . . “:
Two thoughts came to mind as I read this: (1) For all these years, I thought women wanted to get out of the house. (2) Referring to people who would not exercise their authority, my mother’s favourite saying was: If you do not sit in your chair, a dog will. Got that ladies, about giving default authority to men.
Just think of pocket-book (“economy” for the educated types) issues. You may conclude that the Democratic party might be better. What sayeth, all you’all?
By way of full disclosure, I am a rationalist -for now it means a liberal independent with Democratic party leanings.
Poverty Rate Rose Sharply in 2009, Says Census Bureau
Yes, I am sure the “haves” will brush it off and gives us reasons: Like, we had a bad few years, blah, blah, blah . . . . But, does explanation matter much?. I am not sure what the tea party is all about. But, if it is anti-incumbent, then I say: Right on! Let us be an equal opportunity “firer”,and clean up the whole mess. If people is/are “boss”, let us show it by firing a whole lot of them in November. The newbies will remember what happened to the last group.